ACO Drain

ACO - trench drain leader

ACO - world leader in trench drains


Features a 200mm internal width with either a slotted or Iron Intercept Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slipgrate designed to withstand the heaviest applications up to Load  Class G (AS 3996).


In-line pits


KlassikDrain K100
  • Supplied complete with grate
  • 1-40 sloped system
  • 0.5% slope
  • Developed V-shaped profile
  • 5 neutrals
  • 4 half metres
  • Knock outs every 5th channel
  • Installation device
  • Visible channel markings
  • 200mm internal width
  • Slotted or Iron Intercept
    Heelsaferegistration mark Anti-Slip grate available
  • In-line pit




   S200K System Layout

PowerDrain system layout

   S200K Parts List

S200K System Parts table
Part No. Invert Depths Overall Depths Weight (kg)
Slotted Heelsafe Female (mm) Male (mm) Female (mm) Male (mm) Slotted Heelsafe
SK2-00 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150141 150441 200 200 225 225 65.1 59.5
SK2-1 Sloped channel - (1m) 150101 150401 200 205 225 230 65.1 59.5
SK2-2 Sloped channel - (1m) 150102 150402 205 210 230 235 65.6 60
SK2-3 Sloped channel - (1m) 150103 150403 210 215 235 240 66.1 60.5
SK2-4 Sloped channel - (1m) 150104 150404 215 220 240 245 66.6 61
SK2-5 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150105 150405 220 225 245 250 67.1 61.5
SK2-6 Sloped channel - (1m) 150106 150406 225 230 250 255 67.6 62
SK2-7 Sloped channel - (1m) 150107 150407 230 235 255 260 68.1 62.5
SK2-8 Sloped channel - (1m) 150108 150408 235 240 260 265 68.6 63
SK2-9 Sloped channel - (1m) 150109 150409 240 245 265 270 69.1 63.5
SK2-10 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150110 150410 245 250 270 275 69.6 64
SK2-010 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150143 150443 250 250 275 275 69.6 64
SK2-0103 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150144 150444 250 250 275 275 41 38.2
SK2-11 Sloped channel - (1m) 150111 150411 250 255 275 280 70.1 64.5
SK2-12 Sloped channel - (1m) 150112 150412 255 260 280 285 70.6 65
SK2-13 Sloped channel - (1m) 150113 150413 260 265 285 290 71.1 65.5
SK2-14 Sloped channel - (1m) 150114 150414 265 270 290 295 71.6 66
SK2-15 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150115 150415 270 275 295 300 72.1 66.5
SK2-16 Sloped channel - (1m) 150116 150416 275 280 300 305 72.6 67
SK2-17 Sloped channel - (1m) 150117 150417 280 285 305 310 73.1 67.5
SK2-18 Sloped channel - (1m) 150118 150418 285 290 310 315 73.6 68
SK2-19 Sloped channel - (1m) 150119 150419 290 295 315 320 74.1 68.5
SK2-20 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150120 150420 295 300 320 325 74.6 69
SK2-020 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150145 150445 300 300 325 325 74.6 69
SK2-0203 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150146 150446 300 300 325 325 44.4 41.6
SK2-21 Sloped channel - (1m) 150121 150421 300 305 325 330 75.1 69.5
SK2-22 Sloped channel - (1m) 150122 150422 305 310 330 335 75.6 70
SK2-23 Sloped channel - (1m) 150123 150423 310 315 335 340 76.1 70.5
SK2-24 Sloped channel - (1m) 150124 150424 315 320 340 345 76.6 71
SK2-25 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150125 150425 320 325 345 350 77.1 71.5
SK2-26 Sloped channel - (1m) 150126 150426 325 330 350 355 77.6 72
SK2-27 Sloped channel - (1m) 150127 150427 330 335 355 360 78.1 72.5
SK2-28 Sloped channel - (1m) 150128 150428 335 340 360 365 78.6 73
SK2-29 Sloped channel - (1m) 150129 150429 340 345 365 370 79.1 73.5
SK2-30 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150130 150430 345 350 370 375 79.6 74
SK2-030 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150147 150447 350 350 375 375 79.6 74
SK2-0303 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150148 150448 350 350 375 375 46.5 43.7
SK2-31 Sloped channel - (1m) 150131 150431 350 355 375 380 80.2 74.6
S2K-32 Sloped channel - (1m) 150132 150432 355 360 380 385 80.7 75.1
SK2-33 Sloped channel - (1m) 150133 150433 360 365 385 390 81.2 75.6
SK2-34 Sloped channel - (1m) 150134 150434 365 370 390 395 81.7 76.1
SK2-35 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150135 150435 370 375 395 400 82.2 76.6
SK2-36 Sloped channel - (1m) 150136 150436 375 380 400 405 82.7 77.1
SK2-37 Sloped channel - (1m) 150137 150437 380 385 405 410 83.2 77.6
SK2-38 Sloped channel - (1m) 150138 150438 385 390 410 415 83.7 78.1
SK2-39 Sloped channel - (1m) 150139 150439 390 395 415 420 84.2 78.6
SK2-40 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150140 150440 395 400 420 425 84.7 79.1
SK2-040 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150149 150449 400 400 425 425 84.7 79.1
SK2-0403 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150150 150450 400 400 425 425 50.5 47.7
Type 900 In-line pit (0.5m)2 141781 141782 - - 843 843 49.8 47
Type 900 In-line plastic rubbish basket 13999 - - - - 0.5
Universal end cap 96823 - - 420 420 0.6
Debris strainer for 100mm knockout 93488 - - - - 0.1
Installation device 97478 - - - - 1.8
Grate removal tool 01318 - - - - 0.1
PowerLok saftey clip 10443 - - - - -

1. This channel offers bottom knockout feature; S200K - 100mm & 150mm round.
2. In-line pit assembly (polymer concrete top with ductile iron edge rail, PowerLok grate & plastic base)
3. Channel and grate assembly come complete.

   S200K Specification Information (Spec Info) Sheets

   S200K Site Installation Files

haunch to top pavers to edge haunch to top sloped haunch haunch to top haunch to top
PowerDrain S200K C-D   pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg
E-G   pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg